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Dentist Office Blog Buford, GA

Why Can I See Through My Teeth?

Have you noticed that your teeth have a transparent look to them, especially near the edges? This effect may make you feel self-conscious about the way your smile appears. But it could also be a symptom of a larger dental…

Biting Fingernails Hurts Your Teeth

Nail-biting is a habit that can develop at an early age. Often, people do this out of nerves or stress. Regardless, continuing to bite your fingernails will negatively affect your oral health over time. If you want to keep your…

Can a Cavity Reform on a Tooth?

A majority of people will get at least one cavity in their lifetime. This means many individuals have gotten cavities treated with a dental filling. Once your dentist drills the decay from a cavity, the issue is gone for good.…

Act Promptly with a Broken Dental Crown

If you have a tooth that has sustained structural damage, your dentist may recommend a dental crown to cover it and restore its appearance and function. This restorative dental solution features a ceramic cap that shields the tooth and seals…

Stress Impacts the Aesthetic of Your Smile

Over the last few years, the restrictions, risks, and regulations of the COVID-19 pandemic have heightened the stress levels of many people around the world. Stress can lead to medical concerns, but it can also negatively impact your oral health.…

When to See Your Dental Professional

As soon as you grow your first teeth as a child, you should begin to visit your dentist for routine cleanings and exams. This type of preventative dental care can help you avoid major structural and aesthetic damage to your…

How Does Mouthwash Help My Smile?

You practice oral hygiene in order to remove plaque and other residues from your teeth. This prevents structural and cosmetic damage to your smile. But are there other ways that you can preserve the look and feel of your smile?…

Implant Dentistry: Our Process

Missing teeth can cause a decline in the appearance of your smile and your oral function. Even if the root cause of your tooth loss is cured, you should talk to your dentist about tooth replacement treatment to protect your…

4 Ways to a Whiter Smile

Tooth discoloration may occur due to consuming foods and drinks that stain or due to factors outside an individual’s control, such as aging. If you are not happy with the way that your smile looks, you can consult with your…

Preserve Your Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a highly recommended cosmetic dental treatment. These cap-like shells adhere to the front of a patient’s teeth and create an even, white smile. Once you experience smile enhancement with veneers, you will want to ensure these benefits…