5348 Lanier Islands Parkway Buford, GA 30518

  • What Causes Bruxism?

    Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a common condition that can occur at any age. Adults may unconsciously clench or grind their teeth when awake or asleep, and 10% of all adults have been diagnosed with bruxism. Teeth grinding is generally the result of stress and anxiety, and is often paired with a clenched jaw. Those with an abnormal bite or missing and crooked teeth can be more prone to bruxism than others. Many people may not realize they are grinding their teeth because bruxism often occurs unconsciously.

    That is why it is important to visit the dentist and receive treatment earlier rather than later. Tooth quality may deteriorate because of the repeated wearing down of teeth caused by bruxism. If you think that you may suffer from bruxism, call Our Buford, GA dental office today at (678) 359-4707. You can also schedule an appointment with us on our website. Our dentists will work with you to find a solution to stop teeth grinding as well as ensure that your teeth are protected.

    bruxism Buford GA dentist

    Bruxism Symptoms

    Indicators of bruxism may include:

    • Headaches
    • Tooth Pain
    • Tooth Sensitivity
    • Jaw Soreness
    • Lockjaw
    • Muscle Soreness

    Bruxism is linked to increased structural problems in teeth as well as certain bite disorders. Those with bruxism are prone to breaking or wearing down their teeth with the increased pressure that teeth grinding and jaw clenching puts on teeth. If left untreated, bruxism can cause severe damage to teeth, jaw muscles, and joints.

    Treating Bruxism

    Dr. Alla Brown and Dr. Amanda Newberry provide patients that suffer from bruxism with a nightguard that is worn during sleep. The mouthguard is comfortable and conforms to the teeth. These oral devices take the pressure off of the jaw while allowing teeth to properly align. With proper care, this solution gives teeth time to heal and interrupts advanced deterioration at the source.