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Fixing a Chipped Tooth

Although tooth enamel is one of the hardest substances in the human body, it can still be broken. People often chip or break teeth when biting down on hard foods such as ice, nuts or hard candies or chewing or…

4 Reasons to Get Dental Implants

Living with missing teeth can be distressing. You may not only be self-conscious about the gaps in your smile but it might make it difficult for you to chew properly. People with missing teeth are often forced to eat softer…

How to Fight Chronic Bad Breath

Bad breath happens to all of us sooner or later. In fact, studies show that 50 percent of adults (and those are just the people being honest) have had bad breath -- halitosis in scientific terms -- at some point…

How Smoking Negatively Impacts Oral Health

Due to numerous public service announcements and the legally-mandated Surgeon General’s warning on packs of cigarettes, most people are aware that smoking and using tobacco products has a negative impact on your overall health. Smoking increases the risk of developing…

Keeping Up With Your Oral Health Over 55

No matter what age you are, maintaining your oral health is important. But you might find yourself wondering if your dental routine need to be adjusted as you grow older. It’s true that the passage of years naturally changes conditions…

Can Adults Get Invisalign?

Crooked or overlapping teeth can cause more issues than just embarrassment about your smile. They can also negatively impact your oral health by altering the stability of your bite, which could lead to more serious problems down the line. What…

4 Things to Know About Dental Implants

Only a few decades ago, there were only limited options available for replacing a lost or damaged tooth. Bridges and dentures are the long-established methods for restoring your smile, but they require a lot of maintenance and frequent replacements without…

Where Do Cavities Come From?

Teeth: We should really appreciate them more. Our teeth help us eat which nourishes our bodies and helps us grow up healthy and strong. We also show them when we smile which helps us make a good first impression on…

What Can Dental Bonding Do For Your Smile?

Have your teeth taken some damage over the years but you don’t want complicated and expensive dental procedures? Cosmetic bonding may the simple smile enhancement solution you have been looking for! Dr. Alla Brown and Dr. Amanda Newberry of Lanier…